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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
A Medication Alternative Treatment

What is Insomnia

​Symptoms of Insomnia

  • Occurs when there is adequate opportunities for sleep but the ability to sleep is compromised

  • You have difficulty falling asleep, inability to maintain sleep, and/or problems returning to sleep after awakening

  • Your sleep disturbance(s) cause significant daytime impairment

  • You've been dealing with this problem for at least one month for three or more days a week

  • You're starting to feel like your insomnia has taken a life of it’s own

Side Effects of Insomnia

If you are suffering from insomnia you might be experiencing some of the following symptoms. 

  • Mood and motivation changes

  • Impaired attention/concentration

  • Memory loss for recent events

  • Illusions/hallucinations

  • Failure to perform regular routines

  • Physical tiredness

  • Failed verbal communication

  • Social discomfort

  • Increased health problems

CBT-I Treatment for Insomnia


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, or CBT-I, is a type of therapy designed to treat chronic insomnia. It focuses on identifying and changing the thoughts and behaviors that contribute to sleep problems. Here's an overview of CBT-I:


1. Assessment: The therapy begins with a thorough assessment of your sleep patterns, sleep habits, and any underlying factors that may be affecting your sleep.


2. Sleep education: You will learn about the normal sleep process, the factors that affect sleep, and the importance of maintaining a regular sleep-wake schedule.


3. Sleep restriction therapy: This involves limiting the amount of time you spend in bed to match the actual amount of time spent sleeping. It helps to consolidate your sleep and improve sleep efficiency.


4. Stimulus control therapy: This technique helps to associate the bed with sleep by eliminating activities that interfere with sleep. It includes practices like going to bed and waking up at consistent times, using the bed only for sleep and sex, and avoiding stimulating activities before bed.


5. Cognitive therapy: CBT-I addresses negative thought patterns and beliefs about sleep that contribute to insomnia. It helps you to reframe unrealistic expectations and reduce anxiety surrounding sleep.


6. Relaxation techniques: Relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, can help decrease arousal and promote better sleep.


7. Sleep hygiene: This involves adopting healthy sleep habits, such as creating a comfortable sleep environment, avoiding caffeine and electronics before bed, and engaging in regular physical activity.


8. Maintenance: Once improvements in sleep are achieved, CBT-I focuses on maintaining the progress and preventing future relapses by providing strategies for managing setbacks and stressful situations that can disrupt sleep.


It's important to note that CBT-I is typically delivered by a trained therapist in a structured program, but some aspects of it can also be practiced independently. CBT-I has been shown to be highly effective in treating chronic insomnia and improving sleep quality in the long term.

Cost for CBT-I Treatment


The initial appointment is the most important as it will help us assess if CBT-I is appropriate for you, the first step in insomnia treatment $225

Ongoing sessions:

After the intake, if treatment seems appropriate, the eight session cost for CBT-I is $1,000, approximately $125/30 minute session on a weekly basis. Sessions will be a combination of in person, virtually and over the phone where you be provided with weekly coaching using your sleep log as a guide for treatment.

Have you been suffering with Insomnia and looking to feel rested? Let us help!

Call us: 352-474-8876 OR email us below (please give us 72 hours to return your email/phone call)

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